Certificates for lambs born by ET and AI

Please find below details that were sent in an important letter from Council with regard to registration of lambs: 

From December 2022 the Society will be enforcing its ruling on the information required to register lambs born either by embryo transfer and/or artificial insemination. 

In the Members Handbook on Page 19 it states : – 

“Applications to register lambs born by embryo transfer and / or artificial insemination must be accompanied by a certificate signed by the veterinary surgeon carrying out the work. This must certify the identity of the sire and dam and recipient ewe where applicable.” 

If you complete your registrations on Grassroots, please send in the relevant form/s. Failure to receive these in the office will result in a delay in registering your lambs and possible late fees. 

We will be writing to all artificial breeding companies to inform them of the Society’s requirements. 

Confirmation of Sires 

If the Society has a list of AI/ET details then should there be a discrepancy over the sire of a ram, as identified during DNA parentage testing, we will be able to quickly check the details and rectify the error. 

Whilst sending out this notice please will breeders remember, as stated in our Handbook 


“The official start date for the Charollais breeding season will be the 7th July each year. Pedigree Charollais sheep should, therefore, neither be artificially inseminated nor run with the ram prior to this date. The lambing year for Charollais runs from 1st December to 30th November in each year.” 

In order to comply with this ruling, breeders should therefore NOT book AI and/or ET dates prior to the 7th July. We look forward to your co-operation with adhering to these requirements. If you have any queries then please get in touch.