Will Price undertook the task of judging his first county show at Royal Cornwall, which was the region’s feature show for 2019. He found his champion in the form of Michael and Melanie Alford’s aged ewe. She had to come through a super strong class of aged ewes before going on to take the female and then breed championship.

The second day of judging took place in weather similar to mid winter with torrents of rain running in rivers through the sheep marquee. Nevertheless the breed continued to pick up interbreed titles, starting with the ram lamb from Ben and Amelia Watts winning the reserve interbreed ram lamb championship with Willow Uh-Oh). The individual interbreed was as always a highly contested competition which saw the Alford’s aged ewe take the supreme sheep honours.

Show results:
Ram: 1st – G Burrough, 2nd – T Nancekivell, 3rd – B and A Watts
Shearling Ram: 1st – G Burrough, 2nd – M Alford, 3rd – T Nancekivell
Ram Lamb: 1st – B and A Watts, 2nd – G Burrough, 3rd – M Alford
Ewe: 1st – M Alford, 2nd – B and A Watts, 3rd – Mrs C Irwin
Shearling Ewe: 1st G Burrough, 2nd – G Burrogh, 3rd – B and A Watts
Ewe Lamb 1st – B and A Watts, 2nd – T Nancekivell, 3rd – M Alford
Group of Three: 1st – T Nancekivell, 2nd – B and A Watts, 3rd – Mrs C Irwin