NSA Builth Early Sale hits 1700gns
Leading Charollais trade at the first week of the NSA Builth Sale at 1700gns was Gwyndy 21PR08232 from W C and R L Bowen. Sired
Leading Charollais trade at the first week of the NSA Builth Sale at 1700gns was Gwyndy 21PR08232 from W C and R L Bowen. Sired
The Charollais ram sales got off to a great start with their premier show and sale in Dungannon market proving very successful. A packed ringside
A strong entry of Charollais sheep were put in front of judge Tim Prichard at this week’s Great Yorkshire Show where he found his champion
Charollais trade hit a high of 15,000gns at the breed’s Premier Sale, Worcester, when father and son team, Dai and Paul Curran, Talgarth, Brecon, topped
Here’s a look at some of the sheep forward for this year’s Premier Sale. Any breeder wishing to add their images of stock available for
This years Worcester Premier sale catalogue is now available to view.
Young Charollais breeders and first-time exhibitors at the sale, Mitchel Britten and Elizabeth Barber from Wymondham, Norfolk, lead the way at Saturday’s sale of Charollais
Charollais breeders from across the British Isles flocked to Staunton on Wye, Herefordshire, last week for the dispersal of Jeremy and Ala Price’s Oakchurch flock.